This list is for information purposes only and is not intended to address every contingency. If you do not see your question answered below or would like additional details, please contact us.
Can the research time be broken up?
No. Awardees are expected to have uninterrupted research time for two consecutive years.
What is the percent of effort required on the project?
The terms and conditions of your grant state that 100% of your time is to be dedicated to your PSDP research project, unless up to 10% clinical time was requested and approved in your application. Clinical duties are strictly prohibited during the PSDP fellowship period, including night or weekend call. Moonlighting is also prohibited.
Second Year PSDP Fellows may apply for a third year of funding which is supported by their sponsoring institution. Third year PSDP fellows may spend up to 20% time in clinical activities.
How do I get the $20,000 supply/research support budget?
PSDP fellows receive $20,000 through the PSDP as a part of the subcontract provided to your institution.
How may I use the $20,000 supply/research budget?
Your $20,000 budget may be used for:
- Purchasing a computer (if needed): you may use up to $3,000 from your supply budget to purchase a computer for PSDP-related research. Please note that when your grant award period ends, the sponsoring institutional rules will determine whether you may take the computer with you.
- Computer programs/software needed for your research.
- Other supplies and equipment needed for your research.
- Registration and travel expenses to meetings/conferences related to your PSDP research (no clinical meetings/conferences may be paid for with PSDP funds); all meeting/conference attendance must be pre-approved by PSDP Administration.
- PSDP Fellows who are re-locating from their nominating institution to their sponsoring institution may use up to $2,000 to defray moving expenses. Fellows who are remaining at the same institution may not use their PSDP funds for this purpose.
I will not use the entire salary budget, so can I use a portion of the salary money for a technician?
No. The entire salary support is intended to protect your time for your research. Any unexpended salary and fringe benefits may not be re-allocated into any other cost category.
May tuition or course enrollment fees be paid from the PSDP supply budget?
Yes, a portion of the $20,000 supply budget may be used for approved tuition/courses that are in alignment with the PSDP Scholars’ required curriculum, research training, and career development goals. Prior approval must be obtained from your research mentor and PSDP Administration.
After starting my research project, I have found I need to make some changes. What should I do?
The first step is to consult your research mentor and work with him/her to develop a changed proposal. Submit the changed proposal to PSDP Administration. The Administrator will distribute the proposal to the PSDP Steering Committee for review. The Committee, by majority vote, may approve or deny the proposal. The PSDP Fellow may also be contacted for additional information prior to the vote.
What if I am awarded another grant in addition to the PSDP award?
No PSDP fellow can hold a K or R-level award from the NIH during the term of the PSDP grant. If a PSDP fellow is appointed Instructor and receives, for example, a K12 CHRCDA, K02, K08, K23, R21, or R01 award, then the fellow must resign his/her position in the PSDP.
A fellow may be awarded non-NIH funding, but may not receive a concomitant salary from an outside grant. For instance, if a third-year PSDP fellow is appointed Instructor and gets 10% salary on a foundation grant, then the fellow/Instructor will have to return the salary on the foundation grant.
My mentor is moving, and I want to move with him/her. Is that possible?
Yes, as long as (1) your project does not change substantially without prior approval (2) the new institution will accept your grant, and (3) the new institution can provide an environment, resources, and career development activities comparable to your current institution. Awards are made to a specific institution for a specific program under the guidance of a particular research mentor(s). Changes in any of these parameters require prior approval by the PSDP. A scientific rationale must be provided for any proposed changes in the aims of the original peer reviewed program. The new program will be evaluated by the PSDP Steering Committee to ensure that the program remains within the scope of the original peer reviewed research program. If the new program does not satisfy this requirement, support could be withheld or the award could be suspended or terminated. The PSDP Steering Committee has final jurisdiction over all requests to change institutions.
My mentor is moving, but I want to stay where I am. Is that possible?
Yes, as long as (1) you can identify a comparable mentor who will accept you, (2) your project does not change without prior approval, and (3) your department/division indicates that it will still support you. You can keep your current mentor as a long-distance co-mentor, as well. Awards are made to a specific institution for a specific program under the guidance of a particular research mentor(s). Changes in any of these parameters require prior approval by the PSDP. The new program will be evaluated by the PSDP Steering Committee to ensure that the program remains within the scope of the original peer reviewed research program. If the new program does not satisfy this requirement, support could be withheld or the award could be suspended or terminated. The PSDP Steering Committee has final jurisdiction over all requests to change mentors.
I have been offered a faculty position. How will accepting the position affect my PSDP funding?
First-year and second-year fellows are not permitted to accept any faculty position. If they choose to do so, they will be required to resign from the PSDP Fellowship.
Third-year fellows may accept non-ladder-track positions, such as Instructors, Clinical Instructors, or Research Scientists.
PSDP Fellows are not permitted to accept an Assistant Professor or any ladder-track position. If they choose to do so, they will be required to resign from the PSDP Fellowship.
What is the parental leave policy?
Parental leave is granted in accordance with your sponsoring institution’s and NIH policy. You are required to notify PSDP Administration of your planned parental leave, including starting and ending dates, in advance. This will allow the PSDP Administration to make the appropriate arrangements with your sponsoring institution.
Note: Your PSDP funding will continue for the duration of your approved parental leave.
Am I eligible for the NIH loan repayment program?
PSDP Fellows who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the USA are eligible for the NIH Loan Repayment Program and are urged to learn about this program (