The PSDP administrative office is located at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, NY. The Program Office coordinates application and evaluation materials, arranges all meetings for the PSDP fellows and committees, and is charged with day-to-day management of the PSDP and its budgets. Fellows’ salaries and expenses are administered as subcontracts through their approved training institutions.
The PSDP is advised by a national Steering Committee which sets the program policies. Its members include representatives of The Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs (AMSPDC) and the funding agencies.
Sallie Permar, MD, PhD, is the current Director of the Pediatric Scientist Development Program.
- The Steering Committee members are assigned to one of two subcommittees:
- The Selection Committee: conducts annual interviews of candidates and ranks them for funding. This subcommittee may also include faculty not on the steering committee who represent scientific fields related to that of the applicants.
- The Program Evaluation Committee: sets programmatic policy and reviews the Program’s effectiveness in terms of the PSDP fellows’ training and career development.
Jonathan Cherry – March of Dimes (MOD)
Hilary Haftel, MD – American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Susan Furth, MD, PhD – American Pediatric Society (APS)
Jacqueline Ho, MD, MSc. – Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD)
Louis J. Muglia, MD, PhD – Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF)
Susan Samuel, MD, MSc – Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program (CCHCSP)
Karen Winer, MD – National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Elizabeth Yu, PhD – Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF)
Alexander Bassuk, MD, PhD, University of Iowa
Wade Clapp, MD, Indiana University
Stephanie Davis, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Selection Committee Chair)
Anthony Flores, MD, MPH, PhD, McGovern Medical School
Rasheed Gbadegesin, MBBS, MD, Duke University
Mary Leonard, MD, Stanford University
Joseph St. Geme, MD, Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs (AMSPDC) / University of Pennsylvania
Shari Barkin, MD, MSHS, Virginia Commonwealth University
Carla Davis, MD, Baylor College
Terence Dermody, MD, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (Program Evaluation Committee Chair)
Sherin Devaskar, MD, University of California at Los Angeles
Glenn Flores, MD, University of Miami
Donna Martin, MD, PhD, University of Michigan
Elijah Paintsil, MD, Yale University
Rashmin Savani, MBChB, University of Florida
PSDP committee members are available to advise fellows throughout the training period. In addition, PSDP Fellows and their mentors submit yearly progress reports to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee uses this information to monitor the fellows’ continued academic development and to ensure the continued commitment of the sponsoring departments.
The Program Evaluation Steering Committee members also review the fellows’ career development at the annual PSDP meeting, held in conjunction with the AMSPDC annual meeting, usually in late February/early March.
- First-year Fellows receive individual advising.
- Second-year Fellows undergo interviews and Committee members work with them to identify areas of concern.
- Third-year Fellows also undergo interviews and Committee members work with them to identify areas of concern.
- All Fellows attend career development workshops that cover important topics such as mentorship, grant proposal preparation, personal-professional balance, and effective negotiation.
- Second-year fellows present posters of their research.
- Third-year fellows present brief oral summaries of their research to an audience of pediatric department chairs and residents.